Come learn about using an interrupted case study approach to getting students engaged in science and exposing them to authentic scientific practice and biomedical careers! Experience health and disease focused case studies from the Great Diseases and see how they can be adapted to your classroom to teach your students critical thinking skills such as experimental design, data analysis and evidence-based reasoning. Engage in a digital collaborative case study that simulates the journey of a drug discovery team testing candidate anti-HIV drugs in clinical trials. See how your students can learn about biomedical careers while role-playing as different experts on the drug discovery team.
Scientific-Education Researcher, Tufts University
Dr. Revati Masilamani is a scientific-education researcher. Her training and research has been in Immunlogy and Infectious Disease and she works to design and disseminate high school curriculum in biomedical science in collaboration with teachers and scientist partners. she has always believed that the fruits of scientific research cannot truly be realized unless they are transmitted widely through educating the lay public as well as the next generation of budding scientists. At the Center for Translational Science Education (CTSE) at Tufts Medical School, she works with a remarkable group of scientists and educators to use the best practices of both science and education to engage people in science.